Commercials Are Paid Ads, Not the Gospel Truth

Commercials Are Paid Ads, Not the Gospel Truth

Commercials Are Paid Ads, Not the Gospel Truth

I’m sure you have all seen the TV commercials about pounds of rotten food stuck in your “gut” that only the brand of probiotics they are selling can cure and give you that flat stomach and skinny body you yearn for. Anyone who has taken an anatomy class knows that pounds of rotten food do not stay in the intestines for a long period of time. Although food does technically “rot” in your intestines by a process known as fermentation, it feeds the good bacterial that is necessary to keep us heathy and destroys the bad bacteria that makes us sick. Depending upon your metabolism, everything eaten passes through the intestinal tract somewhere between 24 and 70 hours.  Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if you have a big stomach, there is no quick fix. While probiotics can help with the good bacteria in your intestinal tract and relieve bloating, diet and exercise are the only remedies to get rid of stomach fat. If you tend to bloat, there are many things you can do to help with that. Changing your diet can help. Here are some tips to avoid bloating.

My favorite ads are the wrinkle creams that will magically make all your wrinkles disappear with continued use. Apply the cream to your face daily and in six weeks “poof” no more wrinkles. I know these ads are alluring, and I’m not saying they don’t do anything for your skin, but there is no magic bullet that takes away wrinkles. If you start moisturizing young enough, it’s possible to stave off the effects of aging a little longer, but using at least a 30 SPF sunscreen every day will help the most in keeping deep wrinkles at bay. So, my advice is moisturize, moisturize, moisturize and then top it off with a healthy dollop of sunscreen. Just don’t feel you need to spend a small fortune on expensive products.  

Before you are pulled in by the many commercials that are on TV and start ordering items from the number or website the TV station gives you, take a minute to research what you want to buy no matter what it is. Compare ingredients before you waste your money on products that don’t work or will work just as well in a much more inexpensive form. You will be surprised that many of the expensive products have the same ingredients as their less expensive counterparts.