Faith Now, Answers Later

Faith Now, Answers Later

Faith Now, Answers Later

“You do not understand now what I am doing, but someday you will”. John 13:7

Sometimes this is a very tough pill to swallow. With so many awful, terrible things happening these days our faith can be shaken and even broken at times because we want answers…NOW.

Looking back on my life I can remember instances that made me just not want to be here any longer. The pain was unbearable at that particular moment. Some of these “tragedies” were small, some were a lot bigger. A few, I still don’t have the answer that I want, if any answer at all.

However, believing in this scripture, along with holding onto my faith very tightly, I KNOW that there is a reason for why things happen. For me personally, I have learned to deal with situations in my life when I repeat this verse in my mind. I have come to understand that unfortunately, we feel the backlash of someone else’s tragedy. Sometimes we have to go through trials to be able to use as a testimony to others who are heading down the same path.

There have been quite a few occasions when I said to myself “ahhhhh, so that’s why I had to go through that”…and during those times I call that my silver lining.

So as for me, I take comfort my difficult situations with the promise that was made and continue to trust that His ways are better than mine.