Have Fun and Stay Safe This Halloween With The Help of Online Resources

Have Fun and Stay Safe This Halloween With The Help of Online Resources

Halloween is finally upon us, and trick-or-treaters will soon be knocking at your door. Piles of candy and amazing costumes make October 31st a night of fun anThumbnail image for Bordas_0021.jpgd excitement for so many families. However, as you take your children house to house, it is best to be informed of any potential dangers within your area. The Belmont County Sheriff's Department has gone the extra mile to help with this. For the citizens of this county, Sheriff Dave Lucas has created a sex offender registry website for easy access. This website will allow a user to determine if there are any sex offenders living within their neighborhood. It is important to note that, if you register, this website will also notify you of any future sex offenders that move into your neighborhood. Ohio residents living in other counties can obtain comparable information through the Ohio registry here. With this helpful information, parents can plan a safe trick-or-treating route for their children.

If you don't live in Ohio, there are similar options available to you through your own state. For instance, West Virginia State Police has provided a sex offender registry where you can search for information county-by-county. Pennsylvania has also created a statewide registry.

At Bordas & Bordas, we love celebrating Halloween! We also love our kids and want to make sure all parents have the right tools to keep their children safe. Although not all the offenders listed on these websites should be considered a risk, it is important to be aware of your surroundings. These suggestions are meant to encourage parents and guardians to be as informed and safe as possible during this holiday season.
