New Year, New Beginning?

New Year,  New Beginning?

New Year, New Beginning?

The anticipation of the beginning of a new year leaves many with high hopes and dreams that may finally be fulfilled. Whether it is a personal or professional goal to meet, this can be a very exciting time for so many.

But, what about the person who has had a horrible year? Can they be so optimistic or do they even dare to dream?

I've had years that I could not wait to see what the next year would bring and I've had some that I didn't care too much to recall at all.

For everyone, that is a personal situation. Whether it's a matter of a illness, the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job or a divorce as just some examples that can produce a fog over the days that turn into months that make up a year effecting ones outlook. How does one try to begin a New Year with a positive attitude? How does one maintain faith that this too will pass?

While most of us know the answer to that is by faith, it generally is much easier said than done.

As we start a new year, keep in mind that special someone. It may be a neighbor. It may be a co-worker or a relative, casual friend or the man who just passed you in the grocery aisle. Whomever that person is who may be struggling with the days of this past year, help them through to see not all is lost. Although the pages of our books aren't always written the way we prefer, there are lessons and much greater things to come from those experiences.

My highest hopes for all of our readers and do not delay waiting for things to change, start this very moment by saying I'm worth it. I can work this through with a positive attitude and I will keep getting up when I have fallen.

In an ideal world everyone's dreams would come true and all expectations would be met, but the world is not ideal. Let's join together and hold each other up through those times.

When you sit down at your New Year's Day feast remember the struggling family or person you may know. Everyone deserves to feel love and happiness especially this time of year.

Have a very Happy New Year, friends.