Should I join AARP?

Should I join AARP?

If you’re anywhere near the age of 50, chances are you’ve received an envelope in the mail with the bold letters AARP printed on it. Additionally, chances are, if you’re anything like me, you put that envelope directly in the garbage can as if filled with live Coronavirus germs. When I got that right of passage letter, as far as I was concerned, even opening mail with those letters strewn across it indicated and confirmed I was middle-aged at best or, even worse, old!

Yet when I was recently asked the question “Should I join groups like AARP?” I decided it was time to put on my bifocals and at least investigate this AARP club. And when I searched the internet, I was surprised to learn the letters AARP stand for American Association of Retired Persons. I learned the founder of this organization was a retired teacher by the name of Ethel Percy Andrus who fought for older Americans to live their best life while having proper health care, housing and financial security. I immediately felt guilt and somewhat vain for shunning this organization for which Ethel fought.

Upon further investigation, I discovered for around $12 a year you can gain membership to AARP and save money at several popular dining establishments. You can also gain access to job boards and save money on cruises, rental cars, insurance, gas, health and well-being items, etc. Members can get free hearing tests over the phone, play games made exclusively for AARP members that sharpen the brain and share recipes with other members!

One technical bonus is the capability to download an app to your smartphone so you don’t have to worry about carrying around the membership card! To say the least, I was impressed.

If we weren’t in the midst of a pandemic, I’d have signed up because it would be simple to re-coup the $12 fee with the plethora of savings offered.

You can see for yourself if AARP is right for you. To explore all the benefits go to